Face-recognition Payment is Able to Distinguish Twins!
No password, no verification code, just a scanning of face, your payment is done! Chongqing institute of Chinese Academy of Science spokesman declared yesterday that they had developed face-recognition payment system, which allows consumers to complete payment by simply taking a photo.
Complete payment by scanning your face, everything is done within six seconds!
Face-recognition payment system is a payment platform first developed by Uniqul in 2013. In china, face-recognition payment system remains untouched until Chongqing institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences has started the research of it last year.
“We have already completed the key technical research of face-recognition payment system,” said the director of the institute. The array of face data acquisition they pioneered is able to collect face data synchronously from 91 angles and minimize the influence of complex condition of light, multi-angle and obscured condition, etc. On this basis, they developed face-recognition payment system.
“It takes only a second to pay by taking a photo.” the spokesman said. Currently, they are developing APP for face-recognition payment system, which requires users to associate their bank account and card information to the recognition system. It takes only a second to do the identity verification and make a quick payment within four to six seconds.
How does the face-recognition system ensure the accuracy and security of the system?
The spokesman of the institute said that face-recognition is a biometric authentication based on the features of man. Being able to avoid personal information leakage and adopting non-touch recognition are the most outstanding characteristics of it. It’s also much more secure, for human face is impossible to clone.
Then, is it possible to complete payment by using other’s photo? The spokesman said that the system can detect a living body and identify lip-language simultaneously, which helps to recognize fake photos or videos. “We’ve collected over two million facial features to make combinatory analysis through the study of faces in our database, and has established a set of intellectualized parser.” Even twins can be distinguished in the system, therefore, it is not possible to make a wrong scanning of the face.
In additional, the system is able to remember data online. Users needn’t worry about the change of their face, for the system is able to store the characteristics of each face. Currently, over a thousand staff of the institute had tested the system, which accuracy rate is 99.8%.
Mobile payment APP, it may finally overwhelm POS machine.
“It is estimated that mobile payment APP based on face-recognition will be put into use IN China in the second half year of 2015.” the spokesman claimed. At present, they are negotiating with some payment service providers and e-commences, then users need simply download an APP and take a photo to complete payment quickly when it comes to online shopping.
Spokesman Zhouxi said that they will also research a mobile payment terminal based on face-recognition, which could truly realize card-not-present payment and may even overwhelms the POS machine.
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