On October 18th, one of the leading events in China's aviation industry - China Airline Distribution Conference (ADC) held in Shanghai. The conference has invited more than 200 airline leaders... read more →
In June, “The Belt and Road Initiative” Fintech Academy was formally established by Oceanpayment and Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Economics and Finance. "The establishment of the Institute aims to... read more →
To promote a healthy development of a cross-border B2C/B2B business model in China, Oceanpayment and Finance and Statistics School of Hunan University initiate and establish a research base for risk... read more →
Sharing the idea of taking a ride on the national Belt and Road Initiatives and shaping Chinese service sector together, China Southern chooses Oceanpayment as a reliable partner to open... read more →
Recently Oceanpayment passed the project audit of “Special Fund for Cross-border E-commerce and Trade Development in 2016” and received million Yuan’s of project fund from Economy, Trade and Information Commission... read more →
Responding to the national "Internet plus" strategy, Oceanpayment will set up a cross-border payments laboratory with Tsinghua SEM Internet Association as a cooperative member, in order to better support the... read more →
VIPSHOP(VIP.COM)is one of the world’s largest e-commerce platform famous for providing special offers. The partnership between Oceanpayment and VIP will allow billions of consumers to enjoy a richer brand of... read more →
Oceanpayment establishes a partnership with one of the pioneers of Chinese B2C online retailer Tidebuy. As Tidebuy’s global payment methods provider, Oceanpayment will give fully support for its global expansion... read more →
Oceanpayment and Meetsocial have launched a strategic partnership to deliver a better service to clients of both. As the primary overseas marketing service provider for Facebook in China, Meetsocial excels... read more →
Plateno, one of China's leading hospitality groups, has signed a deal with global payment solution provider Oceanpayment to deliver a better accommodation experience to international travelers. Plateno group is the... read more →