Who is iGola?
iGola is known as an intelligent search platform for helping travelers to find an ideal trip with best price. By comparing dozens of services providers worldwide with real time and accurate information in a single browser page, travelers can easily book suitable and affordable airline tickets or other tourism services.
What can Oceanpayment do?
As a one-stop cross-border payment service provider, Oceanpayment is keen on helping all Internet-based businesses find a swift and simple way to collect money around the world. For OTA (Online Travel Agent) industry, Oceanpayment offers a comprehensive payment solution including collecting money, funds distribution and buying or selling exchange.
Collecting money globally
Oceanpayment offers over 400 payment methods, covering 200 countries and regions, helping OTA merchants collect money from wherever travelers set off.
One-time Payout
For online travel service provider, one of the problems is how to settlement with dozens of suppliers in an efficient way. Oceanpayment has developed a system that enable merchant complete distribution of funds to several suppliers at one-time, which makes it high-efficiency and low-cost when paying out.
Exchange Service
Since international transactions involves foreign exchange among different countries, a platform that can support multi-currencies would make it more convenient. Oceanpayment providers more than 140 currencies that merchants can easily switch from local one to another.
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